Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A clear path creates confidence and action

With Boldness and Clarity present your plan!

What did you hear on the call last night? I heard a lot of "change" in the air! I heard brand new people speak with confidence, and I heard veterans with new wind beneath their wings? Why do you think this is happening?

It is my perception that whenever you have a group of like minded people moving towards a common goal, energy is created. Energy is created because the goal is clear, the path is direct and the results are rewarding.

The Goal is Clear....
People in Category 5 have a clear goal. What is yours? Can you look at your plan TODAY and KNOW in your heart that your GOAL for this year is fed by your "WHY" for building Shaklee?
Is your goal posted? Do you have affirmations that build your confidence towards that goal?
Say your goal to yourself at every stop light you are at this week! Here is mine: I am a dynamic, energetic Key Coordinator with 5 first level Business Leaders by June 09. Next week I am going to ask 5 people to start the call by stating their goal in this way.

The path is direct
Our new approach to "show the plan" is making our path to our goal very direct. The energy and time it used to take to "prepare" is now spent on planting more seeds. Massive action creates massive results. With a path that is simple and direct you can reach many more people and inspire others to do the same. What can you do this week to "hone" your presentation skills with this new plan? How can you make the product section "yours"? Who do YOU want your new clients to perceive you as being in their life? If you approach each appointment with that vision in your mind you will be able to create a confident presentation that you will WANT to invite people to hear!

The results are rewarding!
Each time you have an appointment you will want to give the most amazing customer service. You will want to feel good about bringing products to your new clients that will impact their lives and the planet. One of the rewards for you will be to feel the amazing feeling you get when you create that relationship and take great care of them! Decide your system for customer care and repeat, repeat! The Gold membership is a way to build people who see Shaklee from the big picture from the start! This may get their wheels turning to send you that golden nugget, if they themselves aren't ready for our opportunity. The $50.00 the company sends them as a thank you is their reward.. yours is that you are building deep, searching for the one who will want the Golden Ticket to their future! Enjoy the process... Caryn


Felicia said...

Aahh, the art of customer service! One of the best aha moments I had regarding this was about 2 years ago when Cinch was first introduced. I had a member who tried it and just didn't like it...didn't like the taste, etc. I was really bummed out about it as I didn't feel she had given it enough of a try. I called Shaklee and got a wonderful rep at their end. In fact he has an unusual name and I haven't forgotten it....Rolling Thunder! Perhaps you have spoken with him also. I was expressing to him my disappointment in having to return her starter kit and was asking how I went about that for her. He sensed my disappointment and said...."you know what Felicia, this is a great opportunity for you. You get to prove to her what great customer service you and Shaklee give. You get to let her know how easy this will be and how much you appreciate that she took the time to try the product. Be your pleasant self and graciously take care of the return for her and let her know that you are there to serve her in the future."
I can't tell you what a difference this attitude created for me. From then on I had the confidence to speak about any product with anyone knowing fully well that I would take the best care of them even if they tried it and didn't like it. This is what sets us apart from so many in this world. We are living the golden rule even in our methods of doing business with our clients. That's exactly how we would want to be treated, with respect, patience, and ease.
So remember Rolling Thunder's words and use them when needed. How appropriate that it would be Rolling Thunder I remember as part of Category 5 - Taking the World by Storm!
Have a successful day with confidence and action, you have nothing to lose but much to gain!

Anonymous said...

Stories. I love them. This is Melissa Otto. Thank you Felicia, I enjoyed reading your entry becaues it told a story. My story for this week is that I did a Green Party for a friend - new for me because I used the slide show provided by Shaklee and I've never done that before, also new to me because I took with me all my newly gained insights from New Orleans Conference workshops. I practiced on my family the night before. To put it nicely: it SUCKED (I apologize if that offends anyone, but it did suck). I'm so glad I took the time to practice. My hubby gave me some good advice. ACT NORMAL. Pretend you are talking to friends. DON'T READ THE SLIDES. They can see it. If they ask a question that is answered on the slide refer to the answer. USE THE SLIDES TO SPUR YOUR NATURAL CONVERSATION. And USE STORIES. I did all that and the event went great. Would you like to hear that I walked out of there with 3 new golds? That would be cool. BUT NO. Actually I walked out of there with only potential sales. One girl filled out the application, including credit card info, and said don't process this until I talk to my hubby. Talked to her yesterday and she is going to buy the Gold Membership, she asked me to wait until the end of the month (no problem). My hostess was not going to upgrade to Gold until I showed her she could get $300 in combined free product & bonus rebates. Now she has said she wants to think about it. In addition EVERYONE there was totally on board. Two purchased product and another wants me to follow-up with her to earn free product. I have an appointment with one other for tomorrow (she couldn't make it). All this sounds great if you are experiencing the same sort of success. If you aren't it feels frustrating. I know. That is how it is for me too. I can only say that it will never be a success until you step out there and keep trying. Every other Green Party (two) I did this past year were . . . dare I say, SUCKY. I came away from this one saying "I want to do this every week and make each one just like it."