Monday, September 8, 2008


For those of you who don't know that term.... it means you analyze what "should" have happened, after the fact. Sometimes this happens with our businesses. The value of focus each WEEK of the month can't be stressed enough.

Do you have your "call" list (game plan) for this week mapped out?
Do you have your follow up organized?
Do you feel motivated to "plant" seeds 5 times a day each day this week?

Monday mornings can feel one of two ways:

1. Monday can feel like a present you are opening and each day of the week is a gift that brings new surprises and possibilities. It can be filled with the excitement, filled with following up from the activity of the week before and anticipation of what is "in the gift" of your activity this week.

2. Monday can feel like a chain, holding you down from new thinking and new activity. You show up for "work" on Monday with no real plan and no direction for how your IPA (income producing activity) will manifest itself.


Create a daily habit around your activity.
a. Look at your monthly ideas and plans
b. Take the ones that are going to be on your plan sheet (Tracey's is great, or a power plan) and make some activity around them by friday of each week.
c. Find a few minutes to do the "special touch" follow up

Monday should always find you with a weekly activity list, with appointments in place and more to make! The more you work on this skill the more Monday mornings will be a "GIFT" and you will just love to keep opening the contents, day after day of the week!

What is the affirmation you have written and are saying at every traffic light?

You become what you think about most of the time!!! Affirm it! Caryn


Stephanie said...

You are a very good blogger - very motivating. I love the "Monday Quarterbacking" analogy. I tend to have focus that fades in & out and so my activity is in spurts. I really appreciate your words of wisdom & I'm so thankful for this amazing team & for you & Becky.

Stephanie said...

This is what I sent my Team Up group & Becky suggested I blog it:
My focus of activity right now is on supporting my new Directors, training those who have Director as a goal & working through my member list to find “gold” & build up my PV base. This is PV separate from my growing Associates.
I have a lot of members now that are inactive & even though I do my best to keep in touch with the active members, follow-up & regular communication with everyone is an area I want to work on. One of the Master Coordinators said that she went through her list of members & found three people who promoted to Director that year (this doesn’t count PV generated by connecting with all her members). Others have talked about upgrading members to be Gold Ambassadors – either for the “rebates” to afford their products or for the business. This inspired me to go through my list. I am also hosting a women/children’s health event every month. I use the W2W format & dvd.
Due to homeschooling 6 of 8 kids & just keeping up with the family, I have blocked off 2 hours per day from 7 – 9, but I make calls while driving or going to kids’ activities. I have found that using my kids’ activities to block off time to myself has been very helpful. Like right now, I’m sitting in the car at my daughter’s soccer practice.
Monday my son, Alex, had a college class from 7 – 10. I dropped him off (left all the kids at home with my daughter) and found a spot to do “office work”. I was ready to listen to the Team Up call at 7pm & then I proceeded to call my list of people. I reached 3 people – 1 is an associate who scheduled an Opportunity Meeting for the 25th & is letting me help him work through his list so I can show him how to set appointments & present the new TruInfinity Opp presentation. My 2nd contact is a Gold who joined last April, but has been too busy to do anything, but use her products. We have an appointment for me to talk to her about Vivix tomorrow morning. She is under one of my associates so it will be a 3-way so I can train at the same time. My 3rd contact was an inactive member who just found out she has lymes & fibromyalgia. It seems that it is not uncommon for undiagnosed lymes to become fibromyalgia. She and I have an appointment October 11th, but she is going through info that I’ve sent her (yes, Vivix included) & probably make an order before that. She is concerned about how she will afford it so I of course told her that we could talk about that when we get together.
After I got home, I got on the computer & sent out 3 requests for friends to view the Vivix 2 minute video. The short video doesn’t seem very compelling to me – no stories – so I did a test run on a few people I knew would be honest, but who like Shaklee. Two of them responded – both found it to be a great video, but unbelievable. I am sending another e-mail to have them view my Vivix site, which I think is better. I also included my story of how Vivix has helped so far – brown discoloration on my face is fading, focus & calmer (it has been very stressful with school & sports starting & I should be PMSing right now).
Today (Tuesday) I e-mailed 3 more invites to view the Vivix site & I talked to a distributor that was doing the business, but stepped back for about 2 years and now wants to grow again. She is under my associate whose goal is to be a Director by January so she is a key part of that plan. She & the associate are bringing people to my event on the 27th. I also called another associate to confirm the 3-way tomorrow. I set an appointment with a mom I met at a soccer game on Saturday. It’s a great story, but basically she wants to lose weight. I called her later on Saturday & left a message. I called again today & she answered and then hung up. I wasn’t sure how to take that, but assumed it was a mistake and called back. She had a bad day, because her son’s teacher is hinting around that he has ADD and she wants him “evaluated”. Her exact words were, “I don’t know what to do.” It was so great to be able to offer her encouragement and a chance to get together to hear about some options she has. BTW, all this was done running kids around to play auditions, soccer practice & picking Keith up at the train.
I have a headache, but I’m so glad to be progressing forward.

Becky O'Brien said...

Hey Team!
My focus earlier this week was inviting people to hear Dr. Jamie on the VIVIX tour. I had two new guests (non-Shaklee members) and they were impressed! That led to 2 follow-up appointments. I took the day off yesterday to attend the rally and today I am making phone calls to "Get The Appointment".
I am looking forward to our three great Shaklee evenings coming up:
* Mon., Sept. 15 - Team Up call and then Team Conference Call on the topic of TEACH
* Tues., Sept. 16 - Category 5 Call
* Wed., Sept. 17 - Local Team Meeting here at my house at 7:15 PM.
Also, mark Sat. AM, Oct. 11 down on your calendar for our next First Steps Training. Come and bring your new Distributors.
A little bit of Shaklee every day goes a long way; A LOT of Shaklee every day goes even further! Enjoy the journey ~ Becky

Teresa Rader said...

I think this upcoming week is going to be a great one! I had an awesome chat with Becky last night. This gave some great ideas and allowed me to really plan my goals and create a path to follow. I viewed the new opportunity presentation for the first time last night and have decided to use it at a home party at the end of the month. Knowing how to use it and having a plan has given me great confidence in planning and preparing for my event. I'm very excited! Thanks Becky!

Anonymous said...

Just checking to see if my name actually came up this time. I'll figure out eventually!

Teresa Rader said...

One of the most exiting things that I have to do this week is sign up Shaver's Creek Environmental Center, part of Penn State University. I had contacted them in January and they are ready to sign up. They love basic H and plan to use it as a cleaner of everything. The center had been looking for a green cleaner. Timing is everything! It's so rewarding to know that your efforts eventally pay off!