Tuesday, September 23, 2008

We CAN control the ethics of how WE do business and the pride that we feel for the company that we do business with! Read this from Rod Larkin... many years in Shaklee, his wisdom is golden!

"Because in today's world, Shaklee is as good as it gets."For 50 years, Shaklee offered a great income opportunity with a compensation plan that was based on 2 forms of earnings: PV Bonus and Leadership Bonus. One year ago, the GOLD Bonus program was added, and this year, the Tru-Infinity Bonus plan was added. These 2 new enhancements to our compensation plan have added the earning power we needed to be able to attract new people into our business that we could not have reache d until now. When a new person looks at our plan now, they can see that Shaklee offers incredible earning potential - like no other company out there.The news in the business world continues to get worse. Some of the biggest companies in the financial world, companies that have been in business for over 100 years, have tanked. Being in business for a long time and having a long track record no longer means stability. Being a financial giant no longer means stability. Two current examples of this are Lehman Brothers, the 4th largest firm on Wall Street and in business for 158 years, and AIG - the largest insurance company in the world. Lehman Brothers just filed for chapter 11 and AIG is in serious financial trouble. There are hundreds more large companies who have been in business a long time that are in serious trouble. Who would have ever thought that GM would even mention the possibil ity of bankruptcy? In today's troubled financial world, almost anything seems possible now.What is leading to the financial demise of these companies? In the opinion of many, being in a high risk market/industry and having poor leadership are the 2 major culprits. Industries can easily change from great and secure to financially disastrous, and we see this happening now on a regular basis. Look at the automotive industry. Look at the airline industry. Look at the real estate industry. Look at the banking industry. Look at the insurance industry. Look at the retail industry, and the list goes on. All have become extremely high risk to be involved in, and in most cases when it comes to individual companies, poor leadership has been a major culprit in the demise of many.Now, take a look at Shaklee. Shaklee has always been in the right industry and pr oduct markets, usually ahead of its time. Shaklee has been in business 52 years with a solid track record, but today we know that being in business a long time does not mean you are going to stay in business - that's not enough. Shaklee has enjoyed periods of time with phenomenal growth, but has also struggled at times. The redeeming factor during all this time, and why Shaklee is still here today is due to the fact that our products were so good, and our core customer base and Field leadership base was so loyal and solid, that Shaklee withstood the test of time. In 2004, Roger Barnett became our new owner/leader and as a result, today Shaklee is growing and expanding globally, and is under the best leadership since Dr. Shaklee. Roger Barnett has changed the course and future of Shaklee and all the evidence of this is crystal clear today.In economic times when most companies are tightening their belts in every way they can just to remain solvent, Shaklee is continuing to expand into new markets (countries) - China opens December 1st, for example. Since 2004, under the leadership of Roger Barnett, Shaklee has launched Nutriferon®, Cinch®, Get Clean®, Vitalizer?, and now, Vivix?. Shaklee has added 2 new forms of compensation, the GOLD Ambassador Program and Tru-Infinity. Roger has hired the best in their field such as Dr. Jamie McManus and Dr. Carsten Smidt, for example, to take Shaklee to new levels of product innovation and product breakthroughs. Roger is responsible for the 50th Anniversary Landmark Study that proves Shaklee product effectiveness and superiority. It is a published independent study for all time, one that no other company has to point to in order to back up the efficacy of their products - proof that they work.As a result of all this and much more, Shaklee has experienced 8 consecutive quarters of growth, most in doub le digit sales increase. Sales for this month of September 08 are running 22% above September 07. Vivix just launched on 8-8-08 and already has become the biggest single product launch in Shaklee's 52-year history. Shaklee will officially launch in China on 12/1/08, to the largest population in the world. The focus and emphasis for expanding into 50 new countries (Roger's plan since he became Shaklee's new owner in 2004) has all been on launching China for the past 2 years, and now that this HUGE new business launch is becoming a reality within the next 90 days, more new countries and markets for Shaklee products will soon be on the horizon. Once this happens, Shaklee will become a global giant in our industry, and it is going to happen.Shaklee is in a low-risk industry. There is little risk of people not wanting/needing our product lines. There is little risk of people not needing to loo k for a way to increase their household income. There are few safer business environments a person can be involved with.What is needed today is for more people to realize that in a world of economic uncertainty that has been fueled by poor leadership and lack of vision, Shaklee is a Company that offers a secure haven for people to build a better future. Like all businesses, occupations, and professions, in order to be successful and reap the rewards the Shaklee business offers, it requires that a person make a decision and a firm commitment to build their business, number 1, and then focus and commit their time and effort on the work it takes to build it. Shaklee is not a free lunch program or a get-rich-quick scheme. It takes commitment, a plan, and consistent effort to build a financially rewarding Shaklee business, but, our business environment and product markets are as safe and secure as it gets in today's world.Why S haklee?Because in today's world, Shaklee is as good as it gets.How much do you want to/need to earn? An additional $1000 to $2000 a month? $5000 a month? $10,000 a month? $30,000 to $50,000 a month?* More than that? Any amount is possible and available to you providing you are willing to work for it. In Shaklee, you pick the level of income you want to earn and then you go out build it, and no one stands in your way. Instead, you have the full support and backing of your upline team of leaders, and the entire Shaklee Corporation standing behind you and supporting you - and all cheering you on, every step of the way.

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