Friday, August 29, 2008

September Productivity

Your attitude will play a large part in how productive you are

With anything you set about to accomplish in life, discovering ways to measure how effective you are is important. We are at the end of a month. For a lot of us the month started out in New Orleans... excited, full of expectation. Upon returning, many of us couldn't quite "get off the mark" with having a high volume month. I say many, not all! What is the difference?

Circumstances are certainly a part of it. August is a time when many people have a different schedule. When our schedules vary from the "norm" it can throw us off. Those that DID have a productive month adhered to some basic fundamentals of productivity.

1. Plan ahead what your month looks like- In our organization we utilize a "power plan". This weekend is the time you should be developing your strategy for Sept. through your power plan.
2. Be consistent- Don't rely on sprinting to the end of a month. It is important to develop activity each week of the month. Making 5 contacts a day is a way to create the "habit" of consistency.
3. Follow up- What are you doing with your new members, distributors and Gold Ambassadors? Are you remembering to send them a personal note the day after their initial contact with you? Do you have your member folders ready to give them at your first appt. so they EXPECT you to have more contact with them? Do you check to make sure their products have arrived? Do you ask them to refer you to their friends and tell them you are in a growth phase of your business?
4. EXPECT- Do you expect to get your 5 Golds by Sept. 22? Do you see it first, do you BELIEVE that you will be placed in situations that invite new opportunities? Do you spend time working on affirmations?

If you start your September with your MONTHLY GOAL and your weekly breakdown of how to get there POSTED... and then you pledge to create the four habits outlined above YOUR PRODUCTIVITY WILL AT LEAST DOUBLE THIS MONTH!!!! In Shaklee we call it IPA- Income producing activity. That is time that you spend actually generating volume. What is your IPA going to be this month? 10 new customers 5 of which are GOLD? How many times will you SHOW THE PLAN. Show it to everyone who has a half an hour to sit with you.

Whether you are motivated by the trip, motivated by the opportunity to serve more people, motivated by increasing your income... the above habits to higher productivity are the path to get there! "See you on the call" Tuesday!! Caryn


Living Life Abundant said...

It has been a little distracting around here lately with my parents preparing to return to Guatemala to resume their mission work, but I look forward to a focused September! CATEGORY 5-DRIVE FOR 5!!
My affirmation: It is exhilerating to have completed a successful month of personal and business growth!

Trinity and the brood said...

My affirmation: I am just doing life with people and trying to live in balance, trusting that if I put the right things first, goodness will follow. Sow seeds without expectations and who knows what will happen BEYOND your expectations!

Tracey Grutz said...

Spent some time getting my head on straight (one can only hope) and so I am feeling optimistic as we start a new month.

I have two weeks until my half-marathon (13.1 miles) and I went on a long training run (9 miles) this morning. I never cease to be amazed at the lessons God teaches me as I run. Two weeks ago I ran 8 miles and made what I thought to be great time- much improved over my last long run, anyway. I felt energetic and strong even as I completed the run!

This week, doing 9 miles was very different. After 5, I was talking myself through it, announcing my affirmations of strength and endurance. I took a couple walk breaks to recover and regroup and then picked up my pace again. I was nauseous at times (don't eat a cinch bar BEFORE running 9 miles, by the way), but pressed through it. I was watching the clock- I had to get back in time for church with my family- so I kept my pace in spite of the tiring muscles and upset belly. I crossed the finish line into the driveway and looked at my watch. I was AMAZED! Even adding an extra mile onto my last run, I shaved 15 seconds per mile off my time. That is alot when you are going the distance! Wow!

So, I don't say all this to brag (well, maybe a little :)) No, really- I wanted to share with you the lessons of running that I am learning. 1)GOALS cause us to stretch toward something we would cannot naturally "happen" upon. They require intention and discipline.
2)Somedays you will feel energetic and positive, other days you must talk yourself through it. And, sometimes, when you are convinced that you are not doing so well, you will get to the end and be surprised at the progress you made by pressing on.
3)Obstacles WILL come. Take a little time to rest and regroup but keep moving forward!
4)Remember WHY you set the goals in the first place and affirm it all along the way.

Run the race that is set before you with due diligence. SOMETHING will happen- and it WILL be GREAT!

MY AFFIRMATION: I am thrilled and humbled by the opportunity to help improve the lives of 5 new people each week!


Felicia said...

I am so love the month of September. It is always a "get back to school" feeling for me. Even though I am loooooong past those years personally and even my sons are looooong past those days too, I just can't help but want the brand new school supplies, the feeling of a freshly sharpened pencil, a clean pad of paper, and a desire to be more organized, more focused, a better student, etc. If you have the same feeling, why not apply that to your business. Go out and treat yourself to a beautiful new notebook, colorful pen, nice folder and use them along with Tracey's weekly tracker sheet to inspire you. We are always students, always learning, always sharing our ideas to better our team. Aren't you glad to be a part of the best "classroom" in the world - Shaklee? What a wonderful time to introduce your new people to Shaklee University....afterall it is that time of year to get enrolled into learning! Enjoy your labor day rest before heading back to "school" on Tuesday!
Also, let's keep our New Orleans friends in our hearts, mind, and prayers as once again they are not enjoying a restful Labor Day weekend.

Stephanie said...

I have loved all the posts! I can especially relate to Tracey's running analogy. I'm only running two miles, but life feels like a marathon.
Last week was a great example; my sister, Robin, was over. On Tuesday night she changed her Facebook profile pic to show the Shaklee logo (my son Alex was showing us how to do it). On Wednesday morning two of her friends had posted notes wanting catalogs & more info. I began explaining to Robin how the Gold Ambassador program could benefit her (she's already a dist with 500pv minimum). Before I could finish explaining, one of my kids said that she thought the baby was hurt & we ended up taking her to Children's Hospital, because her arm had been pulled & needed to be "put back in place".
Thankfully, Robin was able to watch the kids while I went to the hospital, but she had to leave soon after I got back. Even so, she remembered our conversation, checked out the Mission Paks and bought one of the Vivix Mission Paks yesterday.
The baby is doing great & I'm really looking forward to working more with Robin. She lives in VA so hopefully she will be coming to your meetings.
As I plan for September, I can say a hearty AMEN to all that Caryn said. It takes purposeful planning & AFFIRMING to acheive your goals. I constantly struggle to block my time, to protect family time & Shaklee time, to be consistent with follow-up, making phone calls & staying focused on my daily goals, but it is worth the effort to press on every day. The accomplishment will not just be in PV & increased business, it will also be in personal growth. As you grow your business, you are becoming who you were meant to be. My affirmation comes from 2 Cor 9:8 "And God is able to make all grace abound to you so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, YOU MAY ABOUND IN EVERY GOOD WORK."
I abound in homeschooling, I abound in caring for my family & I abound in my Shaklee business, because they are all part of the good work I do EVERY DAY.
I am excited to see what September brings!

Trinity and the brood said...

Just wanted to share this little bit of poetry with you all:

Earth is crammed with heaven
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Think about what you can do this week to "take off your shoes" and SEE the miraculous in your day to day. I want to be someone who is aware of God in every seemingly random exchange, unimportant act, even mundane task. When we are about His business, which is the business of loving people, we are participating in the miraculous and divine. I'd so much rather have bare feet than a blackberry-stained mouth :)