Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Reminder to sign up for ST. Lousi Convention if you haven't already!!! Here are some of us at the Masquerade party the last night in NOrleans.
So... how was your Shaklee Day???
I stayed up late last night and worked on a simple one on one presentation using the Join us presentation and the product guide. Today I got to do it with my new distributor Sam... She had an appt. with a teacher at her son's school. I asked on the way in... what does she think we are coming here for??? She said... the skin care products.
WHAT did I do??? Showed the whole story! The page that outlines the 4 product lines is an awesome segue into the product guide. I asked questions, found out info... and low and behold she signed up as a gold ambassador with the Cinch package. She really didn't get offered anything else. She doesn't want the website, but it was still a great deal for her! Lesson: Don't ever go into an appointment with preconceived thinking. Show the story, ask questions and then have them choose a product line to get started with... there is a gold kit for each product line!!! Change your thinking and change your results! To your success!!! Caryn
please add comments about what you did today to develop your 5 contacts!


Chris Ammerman said...

You have to know I just LOVE having the picture of me on your blog--NOT!

My Shaklee Actions today:
1) Talked to today’s massage client about vitamins. She ordered Vivix & Vitalizer but wouldn’t join. She’s an older woman who used Shaklee years ago; there may be a history there. I’ll revisit that when I follow up with her after she’s been using the products for a week.
2) Finally scheduled the appointment with Kelley that I’ve been chasing down. We’re doing the Opp Pres by phone tomorrow at 11:00.
3) Got a MySpace message from an old friend who’s into cycling. He happened to ask me today if I’ve heard of Pickle Juice, which is a fad drink that people are drinking for recovery. My reply included points about making sure products are healthy and natural. I also mentioned that I use Performance and Physique, as do Dean Karnazes and cyclist Kent Bostick. I included a link to my PWS sports nutrition section. In hindsight, I could have engaged him by asking more questions instead of just making statements. I’m learning. And all is not lost.
4) Started a whole new dream board. The old one was getting faded and warped. I saved some of the old images, but most are new, including images & words from the ’08 Product Guide, Dream 2009 pix, and the Tru-Infinity logo. Barack Obama, a really cool hot tub in an old barn, and some other stuff are on there, too.

And the day's not over!


Caryn said...

Wow Chris, great Shaklee day!!! I love the new dreamboard concept. I made a board to track my progress for Mayan Riviera last night. Vitalizer and Vivix is a great order, one of the autoship items.. maybe you can approach from that angle when she is feeling great and wants more! We are all learning... that is the beauty of this business...
ps... do you want me to take the pic off.. it is soo good of you?

Kathy said...

Made eight phone calls last night. Six messages. One interested in Cinch... will talk Saturday.. (she was at work on her cell). One says she'll order online, was pleased to hear about my back-to-school ideas. Monday talked to three - all interested in Vivix. So far I'm feeling good... or is that the Vivix I started taking Tuesday :-)

FCPD Wives said...

Great all around...Kathy and Chris are taking ACTION! I made 4 calls today, 3 messages. I also had a great email conversation with a woman who looks to be joining as GOLD on Friday when we talk! I have an appointment tomorrow night with a high school friends, friend, who I met last weekend at a bridal shower! I am also following up with a buddy in the gym who should be ready to get started! Once again...GO CHRIS...DREAM CATCHER!!!

Becky O'Brien said...

Okay, so I FINALLY figured out this blog thing! Been DYING to connect with THE TEAM!! Today was my Georgetown haircut, lunch, shopping day with my friend - all day long. BUT no sooner had I hopped in her car to go than her cell phone rang. As she was telling the caller who I was, the caller said, "OH,tell Becky to call me! I want some of the "green stuff" she has! Oh, and also vitamins!" I got her number from my friend. (Hmmm . . . when I GET THE APPOINTMENT, I wonder which Gold Mission Pak she will choose, Get Clean or Vitamins!!) There was Contact #1 for the day. Then, of course my friend, who is also a very good customer wanted to know how Shaklee was going and I told her more about how she can build a group under her for bonuses- Contact #2. After I got home, I did a product delivery to a customer at her home. We sat and talked Shaklee for awhile and she told me about her daughter needing Shaklee - Contact #3. She also told me that she told two men at work that her "Shaklee lady" might be coming by her workplace. They said,"Shaklee cleaners?" She said, that and more! And they seemed interested. So, I will follow-up with that, by going to see her at work this week to introduce myself to her co-workers. So,"possible" Contacts 4 & 5, sort of indirectly. So, even on a "day off", Shaklee rocks and I'm lovin' it! Enthusiasm is contagious; be sure to give some away every day; it goes a long way!

Alyson said...

Great job Becky! You are a true lover of vision and I wanted to share with the group some things that I have learned...sometimes the hard way...

the MOST important part of getting yourself where you want to be is...figuring out what your WHY is. That is what will sustain you through the low months and inspire you to rise up. Becky always say...your why should make you cry. I know that it is easy to get motivated by short term goals and we should celebrate reaching them. I think it is the bigger picture that needs to be more clear for longevity in this business !

In a training by Master Coordinator Gary Burke, I learned these things..."If you are not performing at a level you desire to perform at, it is because of the lack of a vision with clear goals." "What CLEAR goals do. 1. Define what is important to you. 2. Give you direction. 3. Create excitement. 4. Help you focus." "Reaching your goals will not be the difficult part, the toughest step in succeeding is making the decision of what you really want...what do you really want?"

So...after you have some time to reflect on that, get together with your upline to chat about what makes sense for you.


Felicia said...

Yesterday was a busy day, out and about as I like to call it. Had 2 back to back meetings at the chamber office. At one meeting a woman came up to me and said she was so excited to meet someone with Shaklee. She is a facilitator at a local empowerment center for disabled persons. She mentioned that many of her clients know about using Shaklee mealshakes in their feeding tubes. She asked for information. Probably in the past I would have sent the info to her with a follow up. THIS TIME I said let's plan an appointment so I can show you more about Shaklee and how better you can serve your clients. She was all for that so we are meeting after the Labor Day weekend.

At my next meeting, Health and Wellness Council, I was asked to be the "green" presenter at the September council meeting. I have 15 minutes of explaining "the real dirt on clean". It's the day after Sloan's book releases so timing is good for showcasing it.

Also, one of my members who attended the Vivix presentation (and ordered it) at Caryn's home called me yesterday and invited me to their next Zontas meeting in September - another women's group....awesome, a new networking group to join! This is truly what "actively engaged aging" is all about!

p.s. a little brag here....the first chamber meeting was a special meeting for those who have been nominated for a business award. Someone nominated me for home based business of the year. It was very touching and I am excited to be recognized for doing what we all do so well......just sharing our joy of Shaklee!

Today's another day.....meeting with a distributor, follow-up calls, etc. Don't you just love that every day is different with Shaklee! And who knows who you will meet on your daily "out and abouts".


Becky O'Brien said...

Hey Team!
Great posts Felicia, Chris, and Alyson - what wise women we are!
I enjoyed a visit and lunch with my chiropractor, Dr. Elana Byer, today. I updated her on VIVIX. I am also following up tomorrow with a referral she gave me. I contacted another customer and we are meeting for lunch tomorrow. She wants me to do a Wellness In The Workplace at her office. I emailed my thank-you notes for orders placed online by customers today and invited them to come hear Dr. Jamie speak on Sept. 9 here in Manassas at the Sheraton. I got permission for a new friend at the lake to mail her a Product Guide today; then, we will schedule a phone appointment. I touched base with my wonderful Sales Leader, Sandi Friedman!
"I Love My Shaklee Business!" We love it the most when we are actively engaged in it. Stay Engaged! Keep the Momentum Going! You will be so glad you did. Running With You All The Way ~ Becky

IMPORTANT: DON'T FORGET TO REGISTER FOR EXCITE!! Everyone must be waiting until the last minute to register, but we can't afford to do that. Even though ours isn't until November, the registration deadline is this Monday, September 1. We need to have 100 registered to commit Shaklee to come. We only have 7 right now! Yipes!