Friday, August 29, 2008

September Productivity

Your attitude will play a large part in how productive you are

With anything you set about to accomplish in life, discovering ways to measure how effective you are is important. We are at the end of a month. For a lot of us the month started out in New Orleans... excited, full of expectation. Upon returning, many of us couldn't quite "get off the mark" with having a high volume month. I say many, not all! What is the difference?

Circumstances are certainly a part of it. August is a time when many people have a different schedule. When our schedules vary from the "norm" it can throw us off. Those that DID have a productive month adhered to some basic fundamentals of productivity.

1. Plan ahead what your month looks like- In our organization we utilize a "power plan". This weekend is the time you should be developing your strategy for Sept. through your power plan.
2. Be consistent- Don't rely on sprinting to the end of a month. It is important to develop activity each week of the month. Making 5 contacts a day is a way to create the "habit" of consistency.
3. Follow up- What are you doing with your new members, distributors and Gold Ambassadors? Are you remembering to send them a personal note the day after their initial contact with you? Do you have your member folders ready to give them at your first appt. so they EXPECT you to have more contact with them? Do you check to make sure their products have arrived? Do you ask them to refer you to their friends and tell them you are in a growth phase of your business?
4. EXPECT- Do you expect to get your 5 Golds by Sept. 22? Do you see it first, do you BELIEVE that you will be placed in situations that invite new opportunities? Do you spend time working on affirmations?

If you start your September with your MONTHLY GOAL and your weekly breakdown of how to get there POSTED... and then you pledge to create the four habits outlined above YOUR PRODUCTIVITY WILL AT LEAST DOUBLE THIS MONTH!!!! In Shaklee we call it IPA- Income producing activity. That is time that you spend actually generating volume. What is your IPA going to be this month? 10 new customers 5 of which are GOLD? How many times will you SHOW THE PLAN. Show it to everyone who has a half an hour to sit with you.

Whether you are motivated by the trip, motivated by the opportunity to serve more people, motivated by increasing your income... the above habits to higher productivity are the path to get there! "See you on the call" Tuesday!! Caryn

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Reminder to sign up for ST. Lousi Convention if you haven't already!!! Here are some of us at the Masquerade party the last night in NOrleans.
So... how was your Shaklee Day???
I stayed up late last night and worked on a simple one on one presentation using the Join us presentation and the product guide. Today I got to do it with my new distributor Sam... She had an appt. with a teacher at her son's school. I asked on the way in... what does she think we are coming here for??? She said... the skin care products.
WHAT did I do??? Showed the whole story! The page that outlines the 4 product lines is an awesome segue into the product guide. I asked questions, found out info... and low and behold she signed up as a gold ambassador with the Cinch package. She really didn't get offered anything else. She doesn't want the website, but it was still a great deal for her! Lesson: Don't ever go into an appointment with preconceived thinking. Show the story, ask questions and then have them choose a product line to get started with... there is a gold kit for each product line!!! Change your thinking and change your results! To your success!!! Caryn
please add comments about what you did today to develop your 5 contacts!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Thanks for the participation on the call tonight. Please be ready to add to the conversation with your activity each week.

If you want to post a picture, email it to me and I'll add it to the blog, otherwise, click on comments below and you'll be able to add yours!

Please sign your name too, not just email so I know who you are!!!

5 appointments tomorrow... think it, affirm it, see it, do it!!!

To your best! Caryn

This is the beginning of a great year!!!! Don't get hung up on details, let's just build the way we know works... the details will fall into place. Please email me your daily actions and I will do a group post daily.
Affirmations, appointments you set, skills you are honing... this blog is your voice to have support and interaction on your journey!!!